Wiki Education Foundation

The Wiki Education Foundation is the nonprofit organization based in San Francisco, California, in the United States. It supports the Education Program, which promotes the integration of into coursework by educators, in Canada and the United States.
The organization incorporated in 2013, a process that began in 2012 to give the education program "more focused and specialized support" and to "develop additional programs to promote academic research and teaching that engage with ".
In February 2014, the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) and Wiki Education Foundation announced the hiring of Frank Schulenburg, who had formerly served as senior director of programs at WMF, as the organization's first executive director. Robert Cummings, Director of the Center for Writing and Rhetoric and Associate Professor of English at the University of Mississippi, also serves on the board. Adrianne Wadewitz (1977-2014), a prominent n, had served on the board.
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