Whistle (2017 film)

Whistle is a 2017 Pakistan<nowiki/>i Urdu language action Thriller film. Directed and Written by Ammad Azhar. The film is Produced by Naeem Baig. The film is introducing a fresh star cast namely Sohail Sameer, Farhan Ally Agha, Tatmain Ul Qulb, Imran Ali Mani, Osama Bin Ghaazi and Meerab Awan Meeru. Story based on "Nationalism"as never been screened before.
Out of Pakistan's 180 Million population, 15 million are drug addicts and these 15 million are strongly effecting the rest of the population. Keeping this in view, the story of the Film "Silent Flute" will highlight the elements/factors behind the injection and spreading of this Poison (we call Drugs) paralyzing and killing the entire nation. The Story revolves around an ANF (Anti-Narcotic Force) Officer Ramiz (38 yrs) and Natalia (34 yr old lady) who works for the Drug Mafia. The rest of the characters support the subject and the main characters. Natalia is really sharp at her work and coincidentally comes across Ramiz thrice each time with different identity.
* Sohail Sameer
*Farhan Ally Agha
*Tatmain Ul Qulb
*Imran Ali Mani
*Osama Bin Ghaazi
*Meerab Awan
*Ihsan Khan
*Aamir Kazmi
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