Na Bhuto Na Bhavishyati is an upcoming Hindi language film. The story revolves around Sunder, a simple, street smart boy who comes from a remote village in UP to Mumbai in search for a job. In Mumbai, he is attracted to the glamorous lifestyle of celebrities, politicians, and the so-called Spiritual Gurus. He gets inspired by these gurus and wants to earn the quick buck and live life king-size, which he knows is not possible in a low paying. 9 to 5 job. So he comes up with a business plan- "I can bring any of your family members from the dead, if you are willing to pay. Just Rs. 2 Lakh. Cash only" And in a country where 85% of the population is led by blind faith, it might just work. So what does baba tell those non-believers? Na Bhuto, Na Bhavishyati! Cast *Vijay Shankar *Vijay Chavan as Sarpanch *Anil Mange