Welford Street Miracles

Welford Street Miracles is a book by author, R. Merial Martin and is published by Tate Publishing. This is Martin’s second book, he is also the author of Deterrent and is published by PublishAmerica. Deterrent takes place in 2011 and predicts all that happens 2005 through 2009 with a failed economy, wars, escalation of crime, and an African American becoming president. The Welford Street Miracles has some fiction, but is centered around real life stories. It tells the stories of the families growing up on the 1100 block of Welford Street in Port Arthur, Texas from the 1930’s to the 1980’s. It explores family history. The book’s theme is miracles and how they affect the lives of the neighbors and family members. The main character is Richard and the book follows his trials and struggles in the business world and his health problems. The journey began in 1984 when after sending his work to a family friend and Hollywood screenwriter, Harry Essex, it was turned back to him with suggestions that inspired him to add an essential character. After retiring in 2001, Martin went back to the book and developed it.
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