Ata Abdullayev

Ata Abdullayev is an Azerbaijani football player, videoblogger and journalist. He was born in Baku city on November 26, 1982. He received bachelor’s degree study in the Faculty of Sports Games in the Azerbaijan State Academy of Physical Training and Sports in 2010.
He attended as a right semi-defender in in 2001-2004, and "Shahdag" Football Club of Gusar city in 2004-2005 years.

Abdullaye retired from his professional football career after receiving an injury in 2006. He then worked as a videoblogger since 2011. He was the founder and editor-in-chief of web site where he discussed socio-political problems.

He delivered the truth of Azerbaijan to Nikol Pashinyan, the Prime minister of Armenia in Armenian church “Forty Martyrs” in Milan city of Italy on November 21, 2019, and he was subjected to various pressures in the church due to Armenians in the church did not like to hear such truth.

The supporters of Ata Abdullayev forwarded the initiative to establish the new party by declaring that they wanted to see him as the head of the party in December 2002.
Ata Abdullayev forwarded his candidacy from Nasimi- Sabail Election Circuit N:23 in VI Convocation to National Assembly held on February 9, 2020.
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