WATCH Disney XD is a service available on mobile devices and online. It is an On Demand service for Disney XD fans to enjoy their favorite shows and favorite episodes on demand. You can also use closed captioning. Episodes on WATCH Disney XD have advertisements during certain points. The age rating is 4+. This app saves your progress in an episode. If you didn't finish your episode the previous time, you can continue the episode next time you watch. It requires a US based internet connection. The price is free and this app is listed under Entertainment. It's compatible on iPhone, iPod Touch, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3G S, and iPad. You can watch shows on this app 24/7 since you can stream it live on demand. The primary episodes it shows first is the newest episodes. The developer is Walt Disney.
Standard users and verified users
WATCH Disney XD provides full episodes of shows on Disney XD which come from Disney XD On Demand. However standard WATCH Disney XD users are limited to a shorter amount of episodes. Sometimes, with certain episodes, the ability to watch it for free expires in a certain amount of days and you would need to get verified by signing in to a user account under a list of TV providers. There is also expiry's for episodes even though the user is verified and has exclusive access to that episode. That just means until the episode gets free for unverified users.
TV Providers
These are the TV providers you can connect to to be a verified WATCH Disney XD member and have access to all shows:
*AT&T U-verse
* Charter
* Dish
*Google Fiber
*Midcontinent Communications
*Verizon Fios
Provided shows
Marvel's Avengers Assemble
Camp Lakebottom
Crash & Bernstein

Kickin' It
Lab Rats
Mighty Med
Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures
Packages From Planet X
Phineas and Ferb
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja
Wander Over Yonder
App changes
From time to time, there will be changes to the app. Sometimes it will remove a show from this channel and put it on the WATCH Disney Channel app. This is because the series also runs on Disney Channel and the newest episode on the show is running on Disney Channel first. There is also the change where episodes get deleted from time to time so to watch it On Demand, you might want to watch it sooner and it will warn you that the expiry of an episode's ability to watch it unverified is coming soon most of the time starting at 6 days if you check the episode status on the website or on the app from time to time. There is also a similar change where the episode being verified member exclusive disappears and unverified members can watch it.
Other WATCH Disney apps
WATCH Disney is available in three forms, "WATCH Disney Channel", "WATCH Disney Junior", and "WATCH Disney XD". You may be looking for the other two versions of the app, "WATCH Disney Channel" and "WATCH Disney Junior.
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