FileQube is an online file storage and file sharing system that allows users to store, access and share files remotely. Its services include online storage, file hosting, and file sharing.
History was founded in spring of 2008 as an online collaboration test project by it's founders. The project quickly grew and a Delaware LLC was formed in the Fall of 2008. fileQube currently has over 600,000 users and serves hundreds of thousands of files a day.
The initial fileQube offering was free storage with an emphasis on file sharing. In January 2009, it introduced its Advance offering, targeting users and organizations searching for bigger storage space and online collaboration tools.
In February 2009 the company launched its fileCloud platform, enabling to connect data from fileQube with other webservice applications and services across the web. Included in the launch were online services Scribd, Picnik, Zoho, and Twitter.
fileQube has an API for developers, which is implemented over conventional XML.
fileQube API documentation is to users who hold an account on the platform. With the launch of its fileCloud platform, fileQube gave the ability for developers to create services that will interact with a user's files on fileQube.
fileQube is a subscription-based service. Current plans include:
* Free: 2 GB of space, 500MB file size limit (free)
* Advanced: 5 GB of space per user, 2 GB file size limit.
For a detailed comparison, check their pricing plans
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