Appwright is a subscription-based online service which includes software developed and provided by Appwright Inc. Appwright was developed and first installed in 2001 for a chemical manufacturing plant. It is widely used for construction services and will work well for any business. Most recently it has been installed in a mining manufacturing facility and a public relations firm. Appwright is available for outright purchase to run on a company server. Over 700 users can operate efficiently over a single server. Appwright can export time records and other sales information to accounting systems. Appwright is not a accounting system and does not provide inventory. It can provide information for both.
Mobile Access As long as you can reach the internet, Appwright ia accessible. Whether you have a Laptop computer, stand-alone pc, web-enabled PDA or Iphone, Appwright will allow you to view contacts, email, discussion topics, calendar and even project management tools. It may also be enabled for multi-user and multi-company.
Features ;Storage :20 GB of online storage. Additional space will be billed separately.
;EMail :EMail. Includes a special Google email address.
;Company Contact and Personal Contact LIsting :Company and Personal contact information can include specific user-defined data fields.
;Group-Wide Calendar :Whether used for company or family, the Group Calendar can be viewed and updated.
;Document and File Storage :Whether you wish to store company data, personal data, photos, pdf files, scanned documents or related files. Appwright provides the utility to store by individual, company or project.
;Project Management / Process Control :Appwright allows for the creation of processes that need to be completed in order. Interdependencies are displayed to provide for management and control of projects.
;Threaded Topic Discussions :With threaded-discussions, users working on group projects, management staff and other groups can develop a blog style discussion which is ordered by date and time for immediate reflection of a topic.
;Browser support :Supported browsers are: Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer
;Security :Developed from the ground up for security, users can be provided minimal up to maximum access of data. Users see what administrators would like them to see.
;Auditing :Every field data element change, record change and other specific changes are recorded and saved for historical purposes allowing for a complete review of all data.
;Downloads :Every record may be downloaded separately or entire groups of records can be downloaded. Contact information may be downloaded for one person all contacts or a specific group. Calendars may be downloaded as a single day or groups of days or the entire calendar. A merge file may be created for updating pda's or other applications.
Current Vertical Markets Supported ;Construction ;Manufacturing ;Service ;Public Relations and Advertising ;Club membership ;Home Association membership
Development Tool Appwright functions as a development tool which can be customized to fit most industries. With a little knowledge of SQL reporting, specialized reports can be added to each application.
Web-based Speed Because of its tight coding style, Appwright can sort, create and access records displaying results quickly enough to appear as a stand-alone application running on a single personal computer.
Pricing Individual Appwright is priced $500.00 per month. Corporate Appwright starts at $500.00 per month which includes 4 users. A $3000 specialization fee is required for corporate users.