
Vizhiyil is a music album sung by Sachin Warrier and Divya S. Menon.The song is done by debut music director Akshayjith Pm and is written by Din Nath Puthanchery and Naveen Paul Rajan.The album is directed by Aju Raj and Krishnan Vs in the banner of 2 Bulbs Media.Sunny Wayne and Aishwarya Raj is acting in the music video.
The song is written by the son of well known lyricist Gireesh Puthanchery-Din Nath Puthanchery and Naveen Paul Rajan.Music director of the song is Akshayjith Pm and is sung by Sachin Warrier and Divya S. Menon.The song is recorded at My Studio.The song is programmed by Rex George.The mixing is done by Abin Paul and mastering is done at Studios 301,Australia.
Music video
The Music video of this song is directed by Aju Raj and Krishnan Vs featured Sunny Wayne and Aiswarya Raj.
Track listings
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