Virtual tourism

Virtual tourism refers to pre-planning alternative touristic activity before your departure, by integrating multiple digital resources to explore regions of the world without having to physically travel. It helps focus attention onto people, places and exploring changes over time.

By using the internet, travel literature (travel guides and travelogues), Journals, Papers and television visual learning courseware graphically shows information necessary to make an informed decision about which places to visit and historic or scenic byways to explore.
A new and slightly different kind of virtual tourism is related to specific software enabling the user to explore in three dimensions (3D) detailed reconstructions of real places, the early effective examples of this are given by a little Italian company that has reproduced the historical area of a mediterranean city like Catania, a piece of Cagliari (the administrative and economical core of Sardinia) and detailed reconstruction of some museums and interesting places, you can find some previews on youtube or download the free 3d viewer from the producer site download section , the big issue actually is that the software is localized just in italian, you have to know it. Reference , [ SardegnaRicerche Article ]

It is an economical activity that employs people from several different specific areas, such as journalists and photographers, geographers, editors, cameras, writers, etc... and it is one activity related to promoting nature-based or people-powered outdoor recreation involving adventure-based tourism.
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