Nozio is a free travel guide and hotel booking search engine that allows users to book direct with hotels. The website services are free to users, the website makes its money from advertising mainly by hotels in the travel-related industry.
Nozio lists over 60,000 hotels, bed and breakfasts and other types of tourist facilties. The aim of the site is not only the direct contact of the tourist with the hotel owner, but also the promotion of local tourism that provides a socially and economically sustainable travel by providing tourist destinations with the economic resources that are essential for development, both of the destination and tourism industry operators.
Website features
*Reviews: Hotel reviews are based soley on user-generated reviews. The reviews displaying the 0% logo are reviews from tourists that have themselves booked & stayed at that particular hotel.
*Community: The community section of the site is intended for tourists that believe in the direct contact ethos. The members can view photos and reviews from other members that live or have visited that particular city.
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