Village Voyage

Village Voyage is an on-line publisher providing local content on places, events, and people which could be of interest to those associated with any of the 22,000 U.S. towns it covers. It serves these communities much like an on-line newspaper, yet as a wiki, any of its readers are allowed to contribute content. Even in its infancy, with over 8 million pages, Village Voyage is one of the largest wikis in the world.
The Village Voyage project began in 2009, and is led by Patrick Rohit. Each of the 22,152 towns follows a similar format, offering local news, a community calendar, a directory with links to most all local businesses, and local history. This project is also the first wiki to use twitter as a tool to index content. The extension that enables this is located at MediaWiki.
Village Voyage allows open editing and does not require a neutral point of view. The site encourages fair community opinion, with an emphasis on fair.
Village Voyage is self-funded and its top priority is its dedication to the communities it serves. To do so, it has relied upon generous donations for nearly all of its support, and will rely upon non-invasive Adsense placement for additional support.
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