Velibre GmbH

Velibre is the registered trademark and brand name of the German coffee capsule company Velibre GmbH (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung). The German GmbH is similar to the Limited Company structure. Velibre is based in the Hanseatic town of Bremen in North Western Germany. The company sells coffee capsules which fit inside Nespresso coffee capsule machines. Nespresso is part of Nestlé Nespresso S.A. which is an operating unit of the Nestlé Group. A coffee capsule is a pre-apportioned single-use container of ground coffee.
Velibre Name
The name Velibre is an eponym which comes from parts of the names of two European cities being joined together. The first city is called Veliko Tarnovo in Bulgaria and is where the production is based. The second city is Bremen in Germany and is where the European distribution centre is located. Veli + Bre = Velibre.
Headquarters and Management
Velibre GmbH was founded on the 30th of September 2013 and is registered with the Bremen Chamber of Commerce. The register details are HRB 28863. The Headquarters are at number 37 Steindamm, 28719 Bremen Germany. Velibre is managed by a Managing Director who has an operational team to support. The Managing Director also receives external assistance from a 4-person Advisory Board.
The Velibre capsules have between 5.0 and 5.2 grams of ground coffee which is capable of making one cup of espresso with a liquid volume of 40ml. The capsule material is made from food industry standard plastic which is sealed with an aluminium top. The capsule design is 100% sealed and airtight. This means that the capsules do not need to be packaged individually in plastic bags filled with an inert gas, typically nitrogen, to keep the coffee fresh. The use of individual plastic bags to keep the coffee in coffee capsules fresh is a popular method used in the coffee capsule industry.
Espresso Making Process
The Velibre closed capsule is placed inside the Nespresso machine. The Nespresso machine is closed by a lever or on some machines by an automatic mechanism. The closing of the mechanism causes the capsule to be perforated by the 3 piercing needles inside the Nespresso machine system. After the machine has been closed the machine automatically pumps hot water at approximately 19 bar pressure into the 3 holes made by the closing of the machine. The closing of the mechanism causes the front of the capsule (silver foil) to be pressed against a perforation plate which puts a number of holes into the silver foil. The pressurized water causes the brewed coffee to exit the capsule through the perforated holes in the silver foil and the coffee flows through a funnel nozzle into the coffee cup. The used capsule is removed from the holder manually by raising the closing handle or on some machines it is done automatically. The used capsule drops into a collection basket within the machine.
A Velibre box is cube shaped with the dimensions of approximately 14 cms square. The box is manufactured from cardboard and is certified by the Green Point organization. Each box holds 42 capsules inside each of which is loose and free from any secondary container such as a plastic bag filled with inert gas. The main data on the box concerning all of the key and statutory information such as Best Before Date and Barcode is underneath the box. The coffee description is on the back of the box and is in 6 languages: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian and Dutch.
Number 42 - The Meaning?
The number 42 is inscribed on the side of each Velibre box. There are 42 capsules in each box. However, the number 42 is not a random number based on productive efficiency, but rather it is a reference to the novel by Douglas Adams called The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. In the novel a super computer is asked to calculate the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything. The computer says that the answer is 42. The founders of Velibre, great fans of this novel, realized that there was no production number that made better sense than the number 42. The search engine Google also holds the number in a very high regard. If a Google search is done to find the answer to life, the universe and anything then the Google answer is The Number 42.
Blends and Intensity
The Velibre capsule blend range is 5 in total. These are all blends made for single shot espresso 40ml use. Four of the blends are pure espresso (Fortis, Presto, Concerto and Allegro) with 1 blend (Volante) being an espresso flavoured with vanilla. The intensity levels range from 1 to 10 and are:
Fortis (intensity:10)
Presto (intensity:9)
Concerto (intensity:8)
Volante (intensity:7)
Allegro (intensity:6)
In simple terms the word 'Intensity' denotes the strength of the coffee blend with 10 being the strongest and with 1 being the weakest.
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