
URank is a web browser toolbar for rating and categorizing websites.

URank toolbar is a unique toolbar, as when entering any site the user will see its rate based on all other users rating. The user can also reveal the rating of several aspects in the website such as, reliability, look and feel, ad-free, free content and children and malware safeness. A user will also see the website category, based on other users categorizing. This information is extremely helpful and time consumer, when visiting a new site. When searching for a product or service, this information will aid in recognizing potential sites that may charge us for services which we will not receive. It will also help recognize incompetent services, and therefore a great help to potential consumers.

Rating has become very popular these days and appears all over. Web 2.0’s main concept is that users want to express themselves, and rating is a great way to do so. URank toolbar enables each user to rate and categorize each website and all above aspects, while attending it.

URank was first released at 23-9-08.

URank is currently available for IE (Internet Explorer) only.
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