
Unwoman is a solo musical artist from San Francisco, California popular in the Steampunk community. Musician Erica Mulkey (born September 26, 1980) mixes cello and vocals with electronic influences. The music she creates is difficult to label with an established genre, but contains characteristics of synthpop and goth. Russian goth web-zine Shadowplay describes her music as "dark trip wave."
Mulkey began playing cello at nine years of age and piano at eleven. At sixteen she studied music at a local community college, where she composed music that incorporated cello, piano, and voice. She attended UC Santa Cruz and earned a BA in music with a concentration in electronic music. In the spring of 2009, she toured briefly with Voltaire on his To the Bottom of the Sea tour. Mulkey is a regular live guest with Vernian Process and has also enjoyed a brief stint with HUMANWINE. bringing Unwoman an influx of new fans.
The name "Unwoman" comes from Margaret Atwood's dystopian novel The Handmaid's Tale, and refers to the label given to sterile, feminist, or politically deviant women.
* Knowledge Scars Unmediated Productions, 2002
* Wildness & Artifice Unmediated Productions, 2005
* Blossoms Unmediated Productions, 2007
* Trouble Unmediated Productions, October 2008
* The Keys October 2009
* Casualties Unmediated Productions, April 2010
* Unremembered November 2010
* Uncovered Volume 1 August 2011
* The Fires I Started August 2012
* Lemniscate: Uncovered Volume 2 April 2013
* Circling July 2014
* Circling Instrumentals August 2014
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