United Grocers Forum of 1982

The United Grocers Forum of 1982 was a definitive meeting within the ranks of grocery chains throughout America. This was the first of two very important meetings amongst the major chains, the second occurring in 1997, where the greatest issue was that of what to do about .
Who Attended?
All of the major grocers of the age attended such as: Kroger, , Safeway, H-E-B, and several others.
What was Accomplished?
To be quite honest, very little was accomplished as many of the chains leaders found themselves fighting amongst one another. Though one very important issue was resolved: the matter of the Customer is always right strategy. Remarkably the one thing that all of the major chains could agree upon was that the customer was most certainly not always right. This assertion lead those in attendance to promptly change most of their programs to the Customer First strategy.
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