
The usenet is also being used to store backup data. This method of storing backup data is called usenet backup or uBackup. Initially the usenet only stored and forwarded text messages. Over time it also became possible to store and forward binary files. With the growing retention time from usenet providers and the growing upload speed from users, it became practical to use the usenet to store backup data. This method requires the user to manually select and upload the data. Storing data on usenet is free of charge, but you need access to usenet first. Some internet service providers include . Commercial providers offer more ease of use online backup services.
Because anyone can potentially download the private backup, the files are encrypted. Some encryption techniques also support the encryption of file names. This is preferrable, because file names could contain sensitive data. Even the name of the uploaded files should be anonymous to prevent it from being downloaded by curious people. A strong encryption method like AES should be used i.c.w. a strong password to prevent unauthorized access. After the files are uploaded you don't have any control over it. In the future it is possible that the encryption method is broken.
The files are copied to all the usenet providers around the world. Each provider has it own quality of service, like retention time and completeness (corruption) of files. The corruption of files is being compensated by the parchive files. Usually 10% or more of the total data uploaded. It is possible that your files are deleted from the usenet. You should keep the password, filename/description and preferably also the nzb file on a physical different location than the original data. You need them in case of a restore (eg. your building burns down).
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