True dream

True Dream is a group of stories about fantasy, fiction and adventure. To be exact, it was created in 2004. First things first, at present, it has now 15 stories. Here are the list and stories from the first True Dream ever created and upto the present True Dream 15:
True Dream: Kidnapped
It was created in June 2004, to be exact. The first true to be ever created.
The story about a young boy in his fifth birthday; His parents were killed and his sister was kidnapped because of the bandits that attacked their village. Because of this, he had a phobia of the bandits. He was raised and nourished by Getsrieve D'Siruvo Antromonos amd was raised strong and brave. Then, when he was old enough, Getsrieve has to let him fight the bandits and save his sister.
- Aevroy Lachtorice
The boy who lost his family because of the bandits and had this phobia of them, too.
- Chaelie Lachtorice
Aevroy's younger sister, who was kidnapped by the bandits.
- Eshfan Vyurdice
Aevroy's childhood friend, that survives. She was raised by her aunt because her parents were also killed by the bandits that attcked their village.
- Getsrieve D'Siruvo Antromonos
Aevroy's master who raised him to be brave and strong. He was the guildmaster of every guilders in GetsGuild.
- Uweniah Shivre Jithemn
Aevroy's friend in the guild helps him fight Ckorvaigh in the end, and help him save his sister.
- Ckorvaigh Ashven Testrimiz
The master of bandits, the one who planned to attack Aevroy's old village.
True Dream 2: The Prince of Chezneo
The second version of True Dream, created a few years later.
In the day before Prince Avatheo and Princess Ymianna's wedding day, the Tymmerians came and attacked them. With the Cheznians having no idea why did they attack, they lost to the battle. Ymianna was kidnapped by the Tymmerian Prince, Nubalh. In the latter part, Nubalh says the reason why, they thought that King Genthiorre was the reason behind in why did Thedmarcus, Nubalh's father died. Then in the ending, it was Kevariih, the last prince of Opliakkus-- A country that was abandoned because of Trevhemir, the king of Daremhickas. Kevariih then lies to all of them, and the reason why did Tymmeria and Chezneo had battle against each other.
- Avatheo Vhann-Vhiss
The main protagonist of the story. The Prince of Chezneo, the son of King Genthiorre's bestfriend, Priothe Hemnes-Vhiss.
- E'van Bajur-Czavaris
A young boy that was called by Hymn, to see the Underworld Goldseeker's Ercle. He was amazed when he saw this, and rides to it, so that the Tymmerian guards won't saw them.
- Zunalina Treaso-Alison
Henricko's partner, who leaves her family and father just to find him an exotic medicine of his sickness.
- Henricko Theodore
The driver of the Ercle, the one who saw Avatheo lying in front of the palace. His mission was to find his missing sister and his mother. He was raised by his mother's ex-boyfriend, Ehrviss. When he was 10 yrs. old his neighbors mob against their house, saying he was a devil, so his mother, pregnant fled leaving him with Ehrviss.
- Hymn Theodore
E'van's bestfriend, joins him with his adventure and is finding her missing older brother. In the ending, Henricko looks at the picture of her mother and finds to it her eyes were both alike.
Other Characters:
- Bhur Edist-Alison, Graische Amdie-Alison and Zuvaleigh Treaso-Alison
Zunalina's Sisters, has hatred on her because in the day she left, their father was so depressed since Zunalina was the most favorite among them.
- Jehmre Gaz-Theodore and Salvche Wertunvan
Hymn and Henricko's parents. Jehmre died after the villagers burned their house, he was found deceased.
- Delvasche Wertunvan
Salvche's older brother, visits Salvche in the birth of Hymn.
- Mhickassa Rew
Salvche's bestfriend, also visits Salvche in birth of Hymn.
- Ehrviss San de Rucco
Salvche's Ex-boyfriend. The one who raises Henricko.
- Sheanne Dreminigue
E'van's Grandfather, leaves him to defend the Majestic ones of Chezneo.
- Yjh Buyenvenir-Chezneo
Ymianna's stepsister, escapes the palace as far as she can. She then never appeared again in the latter part of the story.
- Ymianna Alas-Chezneo
The Princess of Chezneo and the first daughter of Genthiorre. She was kidnapped by the Tymmerians.
- Thedmarcus Woplice-Tymmeria
The Emperor of Tymmeria, Nubalh's father. He was killed by Kevariih
- Nubalh Ashvine-Tymmeria
The prince of Tymmeria, believes that the Cheznians killed his father. He seeks revenge to the Cheznians.
- Kevariih Tamiles-Opliakkus
The prince of Opliakkus, kills Thedmarcus just to make them battle each other. He was killed in the ending.
- Vezzucah Juncther
Sheanne's companion in the battle and then dies, and fails to protect the Majestic ones.
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