Zana Dugolli

Zana Dugolli (born October 20, 1986) to Hasan and Shukrie Dugolli is a Fictional Character featured in the novel for young adults called Girl of Kosovo by author Alice Mead. Mead is also notable for writing Adem's Cross. Another book that features an albanian boy.


Early Life

Zana Dugolli grew up in Rruzalle. A village located in the Drenicë region. With her family who consisted of her father, mother, younger brother and two older brothers. She has been quoted in the book saying: “It was an honor serving tea to my father and his friends”. Her bbest friend was Lena Goran. A serb girl who also lived in her village. Her uncle Vizar told her to stay away from Lena and after that she didn’t like him. She enjoyed going to her cousin’s place and play Nintendo.

The rage of the Serb police

On one day, moe specifically on January 6, 1998 Zana, her mother and brother Ilir went to Prishtinë to sell some eggs and buy some food. There were more Serb police there than ever. They took food, watches, money and vice versa. Zana then thought that their Serb leader didn’t pay them enough so they had to steal from poor farmers. Suddenly a man starts to yell at them telling them they’re no better than thieves. He is then beaten up by the police. Ilir says he will kill them one day for doing this to them. Zana then tells him to shut up. When they get on a bus on their way home the police suddenly stops the bus and starts to check the Albanian’s ID’s. They take Ilir out of the bus after they had asked him of his age and if he knew Adem Jashari and where he lived. Zana’s former best friend Lena and her mother were also on the bus. Lena’s mother talked to the police and they released Ilir. Later when they were at home it was revealed that some Serb soldiers had been killed by Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) soldiers. A few days later Jashari and 56 members of his family had been killed, leaving only one girl in Zana’s age alive.

Atempting to escape

One night in April, 1998, the family try to escape an attack but they fail to do so. As they try to escape, the tractor they are in explodes, killing her father and two of her brothers.


Zana is wounded. She has got cuts from hard metal pieces on her arms and in her face. But that’s not all, her leg has been gravely wounded and she is transported to a hospital in Prishtinë. A few days later she is taken to a hospital in Belgrade.

Returning Home

3 months later she returns home. But nothing is the same anymore. Her brother Ilir has to work all day and her mother gave birth to a baby boy just one week earlier. The boy was named Hasan after Zana’s father. Her mother is very dipressed and Zana doesn’t go to school, she just sits in the corner of a sofa staring out the window blaming Lena Goran for having her father still being alive and such. After a while Zana’s aunt takes contact with a Doctor from UK who starts helping Zana. His name is Robb McDonald aka Doctor Robb.

Absence of Doctor Robb and a returning leg infection

Doctor Robb is away and Zana’s leg starts being infected. The medications are running out and Zana is afraid her leg will be amputated. So when time is running out and the rest of Zana’s family will have to escape the Village again, Zana’s mother takes her to Lena’s house. She convinses Lena’s father to drive Zana to Prishtinë. He does so but not before Lena gives Zana her ID to use, so that Zana can pretend to be Lena.

Belgrade Again

Zana has been transferred to Belgrade and stays there for a few months until the war ends.

War is Over

Zana returns home after she was found by Doctor Robb who hade come back to help her. But the houses had been burned to ashes and only Lena’s and two other Serb families houses stayed solid. Zana, her mother, Ilir and the baby had to live in a tent. As the other villagers also had to do.

Saving Lena

Ilir is enraged. And he puts the blame on Lena’s family and the oher Serbs in the village for not stopping the war. Doctor Robb points out that it’s unfair but Ilir ges even more enraged and says that Doctor Robb knows nothing about how they have had it. But it is at Lena’s front doorstep that Ilir and some villagers stand, attempting to shoot the family. Zana then pushes herself forward in the crowd and rescues them. The day after Lena and her family move to Montenegro. Zana’s prior goal is to get her leg fixed and Doctor Robb is planning for her and her family to travel to England.

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