The Secret Princess

The Secret Princess
The Secret Princess is an animated family feature film by TransTales Entertainment written and directed by Segun Williams and staring Desmond Elliot, Robert H. Wainwright, Sherrie Silver, Courtney Winston and Angela Ricci. The Secret Princess release date is February 2014. The film is in IMAX and animated CG formart.
The Storyline
Tagline "The Pathway of Love"
The story is set in 3 African Kingdoms and a fantasy jungle of talking animals. The animation is based on a romantic love story between Prince Akin and Princess Sade. The genre includes adventure, drama and musical. The director's style is based on narratives.
Two babies are exchanged at child birth, a boy born to a poor farmer and a girl born to the Kings third wife. The king already has 5 daughters and no son. He is in the dark about the baby switch. Following the mysterious disappearance of the farmer, the wife is accused of been a witch and to escape any consequences she runs away with the baby girl. Talking animals - A parrot that witness the baby switch in the Palace spreads the word in the jungle, and all the animals plan to help the girl and her mother who live alone in the jungle and often sad about their loneliness. Along the line the The Prince meets the girl, they fall in love. He fight a wrestling match to become the one who gets to marry her. In the last few scenes a lot of amazing twists are reveled about many characters including the princess, the prince, the farmer and her wife, the queen and the King and of course Mr Tortoise.
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