Transform diet

The Transform Diet is a nutritional diet created by Nutritionist and author Brett Salisbury. The diet recommends five meals eaten every three hours, eating breakfast within 30 minutes after waking up or the body will start to go in "starvation mode." He also stresses not eating 3 hours before bed.

In the book, six questions (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, water intake, meals, and workout) are answered to the gram, ounce and minute. The author claims he "He leaves no stone unturned" and quotes Stanford University Professor, Gerald Reaven MD, world renown PhD Bio Chemist Barry Sears and Iowa State University proving the human body stores carbohydrates in the liver and muscle and will "spill" into fat if too many carbohydrates are eaten in a three hour setting. He shows what that number is.

The basis of the diet is to learn how many carbohydrates one should eat per day, how many protein grams the human being can absorb without turning into fat, how much water one should drink per day, what type of workout is most effective to create the "afterburn." All of these questions are answered in each chapter with doctors and specialists from around the world. After these facts are considered, the author gives his recommendations on what it will take to transform the human body into a leaner physique.

There is a chapter dedicated to water and it's affects on the human body, quoting over 50 institutions and doctors including the Mayo Clinic and the Institute of Medicine. The book concludes with his ten favorite tricks.

The authors ability to understand and know how the body works is questionable as he is not a doctor but a Nutritionist
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