The Book Addict Diet

This diet (yes, a real food-and-liquid diet) for those who are addicted to books -- though I know that there are not many anymore. This diet is for those of you who can read a book for hours on end without thinking about anything else but the book you are reading. Those of you who can just sit the whole day reading books.
This diet is risky and may be labeled as "starvation", but to me it is not starvation, because you still get to eat a meal a day.
This diet requires you to read a book for every mealtime until you don't feel the hunger anymore, drinking a big glass of water beforehand (about 500ml - 1L water). Eat ONLY between 5PM - 7PM (making that a two hour window) where you eat a meal containing no more than 500 calories and another huge glass of water (500ml - 1L; I personally drink about 2L afterwards).
You can drink as much tea and coffee each day as you want, but limit your milk (1-2 cups a day) and your sugar (5 teaspoons; so use carefully) or any other sugar substitute (like honey for instance) to 5 teaspoons also. Water is unlimited, drink as much as you desire, it's healthy. To "spice it up" you can soak any type of fruit overnight in boiling hot water (just cut up the fruit and press flat once inside the jug/water container, then pour in boiling water and stir, refrigerate it).
It is HIGHLY recommended that you eat fruits and veggies as your one meal with only a serving (the size of your fist) of starch (like breads, pastas, potato, etc.), proteins, fibers, fat, etc. can be consumed through vegetables and fruits (limit your fruits, too much of fruit-sugar/natural-sugar is also not a good thing, but feel free with eating as much veggies as you want, especially green leafy vegetables--these are TRUE vegetables).
**Just remember: Corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, winter squashes (such as pumpkin, butternut squash, acorn squash), dried beans, peas, lentils ARE NOT True Vegetables, they contain high amounts of starch.
Exercise consists only of daily activities like walking, cleaning, etc. So no extra exercise is needed, really.
Be careful and listen to your body. If you experience any pain (which I highly doubt would occur and this does not include hunger pains which will happen because you are used to eating as you do everyday, so just drink water) you should stop and take care of yourself.
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