Toos van Holstein

Toos van Holstein (Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 1949) is a Dutch painter with an expressionistic, figurative style.
Toos van Holstein studied art and art history at the Academy of Arts in the town of Tilburg (the Netherlands). From 1970-1990 she was a teacher in art.
In 1983 she had her first exhibition with oil paintings. Several times she has been nominated for the annual election of the Dutch Artist of the Year. She is one of the better known women artists in the country. In 2016 Toos van Holstein was elected as the Dutch Brilliant Artist of the Year. Toos lives and works in Middelburg, capital town of the province of Zeeland (Sealand), in an old warehouse from the year 1738.
On a regular base Toos van Holstein shows her work in galleries in her own country but also in Belgium, France, Italy, the United Kingdom and the USA.
She had special shows in

- the museum Het Petershuis (Gennep, the Netherlands) with the motto “Art for living, living for the art”
- Fort Rammekens near Vlissingen (the Netherlands), the oldest sea-fort in Western Europe, with her show "TOOS"
- the medieval church of Saint Martin in Franeker (the Netherlands) in 2008 with the motto “Men on its way”, based on the medieval pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela (Spain) and Dante’s journey through Hell, Purgatory and Heaven (the Divine Comedy). Another big exhibition "Helden/Heroes" by Toos was organized there in 2013
- and the museum of the art village of Saint Paul de Vence in France.
The exhibition of “Men on its way” was also shown in the old Dutch Church in the City of London.
In 2008 she was artist in residence in Beijing (China)
Art books
In Nice at the Côte d'Azur Toos van Holstein works together with the gallery/publisher Quadrige/La Diane Française. For the illustration of new French editions of the Iliad and Odyssea by Homer, the Divine Comedy by Dante and the Legenda Aurea she created stonelithographs. By that her work can be found in for instance the Library of Alexandria (Egypt) and the Trinity College in Oxford (UK).
Under 'Sources' several publications about the art work of Toos van Holstein are found. For instance the monography 'Toos van Holstein part I' and publications about several of her special exhibitions mentioned above. Most of these publications are found in de RKD, th Dutch Institute for Art History.
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