Tonia Koch

Tonia Koch is radio journalist and presenter. She is country correspondent Saarland for the Germany Broadcast "Deutschlandfunk" (DLF) from Saarbrucken, Germany.
In 1982 she began at Saarländischer Rundfunk Broadcast Station (SR). After three years, she was sent to Brussels as a broadcast correspondent and became aware of the DLF by other journalists. In the 1990s she made television coverage for the SR with a focus on economics. Followed by another six years in the press office of mining company Saarbergwerke AG, until in the new millenium she joined the DLF, to report from Germany, Luxembourg and France, now as regional correspondent from Saarland.
She is the author and contributor of 43 episodes of the daily program „background“ at 06:40 PM on DLF and other broadcasts of the station.
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