Thomas Alexander William Hayes

Tom Alexander William Hayes (born 1979) was a British banker, who formerly worked for UBS AG and Citigroup as a derivatives trader. He is known for being charged in the United States of America for rigging the LIBOR rates leading to the LIBOR scandal.
Early life
Hayes grew up in a middle-class family in West London.
He studied Mathematics and Engineering and took the bus to attend interviews at various banks.
In 2001, Hayes joined the Royal Bank of Scotland on the graduate scheme as a junior trader.
In 2006, he joined the UBS to work at the Tokyo office.Hayes is charged with rigging the LIBOR through his connections with his colleagues at UBS and employees at JPMorgan Chase (JPM), RBS (RBS), Deutsche Bank (DB), Rabobank, HSBC (HBC) and brokers ICAP (IAPLF), RP Martin and Tullet Prebon.
In 2009, he joined Citigroup but was dismissed a year later for his involvement in rate rigging.
In September 2010, he was dismissed 12 days before his wedding.
Personal Life
Hayes has a house in Surrey and has a wife and son.
Hayes has founded a company with Bulgarian friends, that describes itself as a website and mobile-app developer.
LIBOR Scandal
Three days after his dismissal in September 2010, an angry Hayes (his firing had come just a few weeks before his wedding day) wrote a letter to a Citigroup human resources executive, ominous in its implications for higher executives. “My actions were entirely consistent with those of others at senior levels,” Hayes had written “ . . . senior management at were aware of my actions.”
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