The EU Northern Periphery Programme part-funded ROADEX projects came to an end on 30 June 2012 with the successful completion of the fourth project ROADEX Implementing Accessibility, 2009-2012. From then ROADEX continued as a self-funded collaboration by the ROADEX Partners under the new title of The ROADEX NETWORK.
The new ROADEX NETWORK comprised 13 partner organizations across Sweden, Finland, Norway, Scotland, Ireland and Iceland. These were: The Highland Council, Forestry Commission Scotland and Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar from Scotland; the Northern Region of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration; the Northern Region of the Swedish Transport Administration and the Swedish Forest Agency; the Lappi, Savo-Karjala and Keski-Suomi Regions of the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of Finland; The Finnish Transport Agency, The Icelandic Road Administration; The Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport and The National Roads Authority from Ireland.
All of these organisations continue to be closely involved with the management of rural low volume road infrastructure and the particular issues they raise. New organisations with similar responsibilities and needs can be added to the Network as they arise.
From the outset the ROADEX NETWORK was charged with taking care of the legacy of the ROADEX projects: the website, knowledge centre, e-learning packages, project outputs, technical reports and others. Its aim was to move the ROADEX cooperation further to continue to promote the application of state-of-the-art strategies and technologies in low volume road management.
The founding partners listed the goals of the new NETWORK:
* To be a forum for cooperation between road authorities, forest authorities, universities and other stakeholders with interests in management of low volume roads;
* To take care of the ROADEX legacy, including managing the outputs of the four ROADEX projects and keeping them up to date;
* To increase the efficiency and sustainability in road management by using ROADEX technologies;
* To improve the quality of road maintenance and construction by using ROADEX technologies;
* To share best practice between the Partners;
* To implement and test new solutions in the Partner areas;
* To follow-up on the use of ROADEX knowledge;
* To be a forum for new solutions and implementation of ROADEX methods;
* To arrange seminars, workshops and meetings in the field of low volume roads;
* To be a joint body to seek external funding for research and implementation projects to develop the ROADEX knowledge centre and cooperation further.
A main feature of the collaboration will be to how to use developing applications in digitalization, new technologies and robotics to produce new tools and strategies for road asset management. New technologies based on road diagnostics and proactive maintenance can allow minor defects to be addressed as they arise before they grow into serious issues.
The day to day running of the NETWORK is contracted to a consulting Secretariat for a fixed term. The contract for this is subject to standard EU rules. As well as carrying out the normal administrative duties the Secretariat is also responsible for giving guidance to the partners on the management of low-volume roads and promoting ROADEX.technologies internationally.
All of the past ROADEX results and outcomes continue to be available free of charge on the ROADEX website at
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