GOES Project

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The GOES project is an initiative co-funded by the European Commission under a Civil Protection Financial Instrument for projects on Prevention and Preparedness.
It is allocated a budget of 525.000 € from January 2011 to December 2012.
This project aims to increase preparedness, awareness and maximum cooperation between public authorities of different member states through quick and effective information in order to increase preparedness on emergency situation and give an adequate response to emergency situations.
The authorities involved in the project proposal agree that an inadequate response to emergency situations is often the result of disorganization, delays or deficiencies in communication between local actors involved in various capacities in prevention and emergency management.
From this reflection comes the project GOES which aims to create a network that collects daily all relevant information on road conditions related to any criticisms and suggestions on alternative routes.
The network will convey this information to the regional civil protection structures and to the main network in order to promptly inform citizens.
The system for collecting and transmitting data should be based on standardized and automated procedures to exchange across the partner territories. Once this connection has been created it may also be used to convey other information coming from the whole territory, not only from the roads.
The objectives of the project are:
• Optimizing systems for collecting and transmitting information concerning the civil protection particularly on natural disasters that have a negative impact on the feasibility of the roads.
• To increase preparedness on emergency situation and give an adequate response to emergency situations.
• To improve cooperation between public authorities of different member states through quick and effective information and involving operators, stakeholders and population from the territories of the partnership.
• To Create a network that collects daily all relevant information on road conditions.
• Creating a database of the natural disasters which impact on the feasibility of the road.
Planned Outcomes
• A preliminary study of the different ways of organizing services, traffic and information management in order to increase the knowledge about the different ways of organizing services in the territories covered by the road test and understand the management mode of information concerning the roads’ navigability in normal and emergency situations.
• A design of a standardized system among the partners for the receipt, sorting and transmission of information on disasters relevant for the roads navigability.
• Training of road workers and civil protection.
• Testing on systems designed and detection of any criticality.
• Arrangements through start up and ongoing use of the system.
[http://www.provincia.ancona.it • Provincia di Ancona]
[http://www.provincia.ancona.it/protezionecivile/Engine/RAServePG.php/P/250010140303/T/Home-Page • Regione Marche - Security and Civil Protection integrated policies Department (SCPD)]
[http://www.uegva.info • Fundación Comunidad Valenciana- Región Europea]
[http://www.policialocalvalencia.es • Policía Local de Valencia]
[http://www.iinf.bas.bg • Institute of Information Technologies - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Sofia Municipality]
[http://www.sofia.bg • Sofia Municipality]

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