The Real Forbidden Fruit

The Real Forbidden Fruit - How Meat Destroys Paradise And How Veganism Can Get It Back is a 2007 book by Jeff Popick, "The Vegan Sage." The central point of the book is that the Fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in Eden in Genesis is a symbol for the eating of animal flesh. However, this point does not appear until page 139, more than halfway through the book. First, Mr. Popick presents his argument that the killing of animals and the eating of their flesh is the cause of much illness, and of the predisposition towards violence found so often in the human race.
If Popick is right, and people accept his theory and widely adopt his vegan philosophy, it could mean the elimination, or at least the reduction, of many of the ills - cancer, heart disease, poverty, war, etc., that so afflict the world.
Also, this may lead to a better understanding and clearer exegesis of Genesis.

ISBN 9780967151809

See also:

*Christian vegetarianism
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