The escape fall

The Escape Fall (usually shortened to 'TEF' or 'T.E.F.') is a British Alt-Rock quintet that formed in June 2005. The current members of the band are Samuel Meader, Jon Degnen, Ben Wilson, James Le Tissier and Oliver Denton. In the summer of 2007 the band went on to win the local battle of the bands and subsequently released, in the spring of 2008, their debut 10 track album, 'Lets Hope They Hear This' featuring several pre-released songs such as 'This Ends Tonight' and 'Your Demise'.

Formed in June 2005, the band won the Guernsey Battle of the Bands run by Mass!ve Magazine in July 2007 and played the Vale Earth Fair in Vale Castle during 2006. Their first four releases, This Ends Tonight, Your Demise , Hello and Gotta Get Home were recorded and produced by Scott Guilbert and are on the way to being submitted to itunes. They have recorded, on two separate occasion, a video for 'This Ends Tonight' and are currently recording for their next video. At this moment in they are considering sending off footage to various music channels.

The band, originally a quartet, acquired a lead singer, Samuel Meader, in October 2006 and subsequently played with bands such as Comic Boy and The Midcarson Coalition. In early 2007 there was a rumored fallout of the band with several performances being held with only four of the five members but by late 2007 all five members played at the Guernsey Battle of the Bands.

The Escape Fall has just finished recording their debut 10 track album, 'Lets Hope They Hear This'.
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