The Glass Box

The Glass Box () is a short fictional narrative drama produced in the Asian metropolis of Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. The film was directed and produced by Canadian independent filmmaker Matt Finlin. It was produced by Finlin under the name of 'Finkle Films' with the support of Taiwanese production house Fe Hou Communications Limited, and was shot over a six-month period from 2007 to 2008.
The Glass Box is based on the lives of two young women in Taiwan. Claudia is a 23-year-old North American who has reluctantly come to Asia with her boyfriend to teach English at a cram school. Yin-May, also twenty-three, was born and raised in Taiwan by her father in a fishing community on the island of Chijin. It compares and contrasts the two people from different cultures in an unusual set of circumstances. The story takes place in Taiwan's second largest city, Kaohsiung, which has one of the world's largest container ports.
Cast and characters
* Kelly Creighton as Claudia
* Lin Ke Hsin as Yin-May
* Joshua Barnaby as Claudia's Boyfriend
* Sean Lin as The Taiwanese Worker
* Huang Yu Chi as Young Yin-May
* Hu Chin Chi as Yin-May's Father
* Siao Zin Hao as The Betel Nut Stand Boss
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