The freeze game

The Freeze Game is an interactive game in which players have the ability to 'freeze' their fellow players.
To freeze a player, one must declare "Freeze!" within earshot and sight of the fellow player while holding the hands in the proper freeze position (wrists together and hands open facing forward). Players must remain frozen until a fellow player 'unfreezes' them, declaring "Unfreeze". While frozen, players are unable to move independantly or speak. However, frozen players may be moved into any position by other players and must remain in that position until unfrozen. Players have only one freeze for each other player per day. Have fun.
The Freeze Game was originated by the senior class of 2006 in Ida Crown Jewish Academy. Players are encouraged to freeze other players in both Mr. Harris' office and in the bathrooms. Freezing players in ANY position is allowed and encouraged. Good luck!(You WILL need it).
The Freeze Game is best played with at least five players who can take a joke. If frozen do not despair, you will get your turn. Props really add to the enjoyment of the game.
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