Muir Skate Longboard Shop

Muir Skate Longboard Shop is an online longboard skateboard retailer founded in 2005 by Scott Lembach. Originally called Muir Surf and Sport, it was the first board store to appear on a college campus in the continental U.S. and was within walking distance to the world famous Black's Beach. The name Muir originated from John Muir College at University of California, San Diego, where the shop was originally established. After the opening of Outback Adventures, a university-sponsored, student-run organization that rents outdoor equipment, runs discounted wilderness trips and offers classes, Muir Surf and Skate relocated off-campus and changed it's name to Muir Skate, dropping surfing equipment and focusing on longboards. Recently, Muir Skate launched their online shop, which now makes up 80% of it's sales.
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