Test tube humans

The test tube human theory is a prediction by many scientists (and many sci-fi writers and normal people)that simply states that in the future, beginning human cells will be made, raised, and born in test tubes or some sort of sterile incubators of a sort.

The first things that scientist predicted are to be done is to create a perfect sperm and a perfect egg. This is to be done with many genetic mutations and changes. Some new things that these cells are capable of making is a stronger person, a more beautiful person and someone who is immune to all known diseases and defects. Now once the cells are made they are to be duplicated and these are the standard cells to be used in all of the world.
growing them
The cells will eventually be inserted into a petri dish or appropriate container. There they will combine sexually. As soon as the single cell is created it will be transported to a tube or container. There it will be fed and taken care of until it is a complete human fetus.
Being born
The human baby will be taken out already fully grown and with all the intelligence it will ever have . Then it will be given a house and food and will lives it's life forever.
The reason why this is thought to happen is mainly so that the government (run by computers) can control the population. Other reasons include reducing conflict between humans and humans dying.
This has stirred up some controversy because human rights activists say that in this world that “people just aren’t people anymore”. Also , they say that if you remove the physical sexual intercourse aspect from sexual reproduction that it is a newly defined way of reproducing sexually. This theory has scared some people including elders and teens.
How Possible
This theory may actually become reality way after the youngest generation today. It is estimated that it will take at least a century before this technology will be invented and probably another century until it is used commonly throughout the world. Special practitioners will most likely run these “baby factories” as many non-supporters say.
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