Theoretical Theology is the study of the Theory of Everything or the Set of Everything that exists, also known as “The Great I am”, in attempt to link it with theoretical physics. The difference between Theoretical Theology and Theoretical Physics is that Theoretical Physics assumes that mathematics is enough to provide a complete basis for the Theory of Everything, as quoted by Max Tegmark. Theoretical Theology on the other hand takes the position as quoted in John 1:1 to 4 that you must go back to the word to fully explain the complete Theory of Everything. This position is derived from two facts: 1. If you have two robots on a factory floor. It is exceedingly hard to predict what they are going to do without looking at their programming, that is the words used to instruct them. Whereas with that information it becomes exceedingly simple to predict their movements. 2. Mathematics as it stands does not allow us to describe paradoxes. The word allows us to describe paradoxes and the Theory of Everything must include a classification of paradoxes. This is one example of the logical limits of mathematics. Theoretical Theology searches to go beyond Theoretical Physics to produce what the Bible describes as a pure language (Zephaniah 3:9)which extends mathematics to include classifications of paradoxes and provide a more exact mathematics that describes not only the physics of the situation but all the possible logical states as well. To get a complete picture you need both the physical and the logical states. St John states that without the word we could not exist and places the Word as the foundation and so creator of all things, that is he equates the Word to God. Without words there can be no thoughts no philosophy, no logic and no mathematics. Science states: “The Universe is nothing but pure mathematics.” So, without the word nothing exists, with it everything exists. St John's version: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The Word is the most fundamental building block of life. With out a desire to share, love; we have no need for the Word. Without knowledge, we have nothing to share, nor know anyone to share it with. The whole of evolution can be seen as one slow building process in better and better forms of cooperation through communication; using love, to share knowledge. With the invention of the Word that progress accelerated. Each human civilization is richer or poorer directly in proportion to the amount they communicate and the freedom with which they communicate. It seems that without both love and knowledge, none of creation could happen, with both love and knowledge all of it has to happen. Without Love, the Word is nothing. In the beginning was Love, and Love was with God, and Love was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. And the light shone in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. All you need is Love. All you need is God’s Love. All you need is God. When you recognise that God is Love, these statements are; as one. All religions claim to be a search for God. Christians claim that Jesus is God's search for us. Both Jesus and the Bible are known by Christians as the Word of God, the knowledge of Love. If you want to know more read the Bible or visit a Church. I shine my light on Jesus to deepen the blessing of Love on what you already know. The Word was left for you. If we have knowledge and the Love to share it, we have the Word. The miracle of Communication: Loving someone enough to share your thoughts with them; thinking as one. The miracle of Community: Loving someone enough to share your life with them; living as one. The miracle of Communion: Loving “The Great I am” enough to respect the whole of existence; being as one. As one, we can do anything. From this text we have passed from purely logical statements which seem straight forward into a world of spiritual truth. We have moved from a world of statistics to a world of choice. The word has added meaning to the meaningless world of numbers. One of the expected outcomes of Theoretical Theology is to find the boundaries between the spiritual and the physical.