
talk.bizarre is a newsgroup on Usenet. It was originally net.bizarre, but after the Great Renaming, it was placed in the talk hierarchy. Its denizens often refer to it as "the froup", after "newsfroup" (a typo which they adopted for their own).

It was originally intended for postings of odd happenings and weird stories. By the early 90's, most of the articles were crossposted from other newsgroups, and currently, almost all articles are either extended conversations between a few logorrheic denizens, or spam.

In the past there was a core group of talk.bizarre posters. Some of them enjoyed the crossposts, others hated them. Many of them preferred to compose original material, poetry or prose. They jokingly referred to themselves as The Cabal (because, as one understands, There Is No Cabal).

talk.bizarre is often hostile to newbies, but it is theoretically possible to become accepted if one posts interesting content and improves the signal to noise ratio. Since the advent of Eternal September this is difficult if not futile.

Welcome to talk.bizarre v. 1.7 (newer monthly posting)

Welcome to talk.bizarre! ("original" monthly posting)

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