Aura Project for PHP

Aura project for PHP 5.4 is a collection of independent library packages which is the second major rewrite of SolarPHP . Aura uses no base classes, and is oriented toward a dependency injection container proper to manage dependencies. Aura also has an additional "system" package that assembles those libraries into a cohesive framework (the way SolarPHP is now).
Current Packages are
Aura.Autoload: A PSR-0 compliant autoloader, ready for SplClassloader.
Aura.Cli: Tools to build command-line controllers, including a CLI context, options management, and input/output handlers
Aura.Di: Dependency injection container.
Aura.Http: Tools to build HTTP response messages
Aura.Marshal: Marshals data from any data source into domain objects, including relationships between those object.
Aura.Router: A web router.
Aura.Signal: A signal slots / event handler implementation.
Aura.Sql: SQL database connection and query tools.
Aura.View: Template views, two-step views, and view helpers.
Aura.Web: A bare-bones web page controller system, including pre- and post-hooks, a response transfer, and context discovery.
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Licence : BSD
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