Swami Kripalvanandji

Swami Sri Kripalvanandji (1913-1981) was born in a small town near Baroda, India. He was a practitioner of Kundalini Yoga, a physical and meditative discipline associated with the subdivision of hatha yoga .
A prolific writer, Swami Kripalu wrote books of practical spiritual guidance aimed at uplifting the lives of his many devotees . His namesake yoga retreat in the United States is Kripalu Center in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, yet this retreat no longer has any connection to Swami Kripalu. Swami Kripalu is notable in the United States as the Guru and spiritual father of Yogacharya Swami Sri Ashutosh Muniji , current Lineage Holder in the Kripalu Muni Mundal line .
Kripalvanandji is regarded by his current U.S. followers as a Saint [http://www.lakulishyoga.com/swami_kripalvanandji.asp#biography].
Followers believe that Kripalvanandji's guru, Lord Lakulish, is the 28th and the last avatar of Shiva and the creator of Yoga. Shiva is the supreme god of Hinduism Lakulish.
Swami Kripalu always ended his public discourses
with a blessing such as the one that follows:
May everyone here be happy.
May everyone here be healthy.
May everyone here be prosperous.
May no one be the least little bit unhappy at all.
My auspicious blessing to you. .
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