Super Kid Icarus

Super Kid Icarus is an enhanced remake of Nintendo's Kid Icarus. Super Kid Icarus is an action platform video game developed by Flip Industries for Adobe Flash and was released globally in May, 2011.
Super Kid Icarus is notable because the Kid Icarus series completely skipped the 16-bit video game generation until Flip Industries developed Super Kid Icarus. Fans of the Kid Icarus series had been seeking such a game for many years which is clearly documented in gaming forums such as GBAtemp where about 80% of the voters thought the idea of Super Kid Icarus was good.
Because Super Kid Icarus was developed for the universal Adobe Flash platform, it has been played around the world and received mostly positive reception on the internet. For example it was featured on the popular Italian video game blog, Idealsoft Blog. Super Kid Icarus has also been chosen as an editors pick on gaming websites such as Games for Gamers. Social indictors such as Facebook like and additionally indicate the game is rapidly growing in popularity. Super Kid Icarus has typically been seen as a great game to play until Kid Icarus: Uprising is released.
The gameplay of Super Kid Icarus is largely based on the Nintendo game Kid Icarus. Players control the Protagonist named Pit whose main weapons is a bow given to him by, Palutena, the Goddess of Light. The bow has an unlimited amount of arrows and can be upgraded with three collectible power up items. This upgrade system is similar to that seen in the Nintendo game The Legend of Zelda.
Pit's Arrow Upgrades Include;
*Fire - Gives Pit flaming arrows. Flames will rotate around the arrow and are able to damage multiple enemies.
*Sacred Bow - Allows Pit's arrows to travel the entire length of the screen instead of three tiles in distance.
*Protective Crystal - Crystals rotate around Pit and protect him from enemies.
The player navigates Pit through a two-dimensional fictional world called Angel Land where the player must defeat enemies, collect items and avoid obstacles. The player is also able to jump, similar to how Mario jumps in Super Mario Bros..
The game features three distinct stages which have different game play elements. The first stage is the Underworld and unlike most side-scrolling video games, scrolls vertically. The second stage, the Overworld, scrolls horizontally. final stage, Palace in the Sky allows pit to fly for the entire stage. The other stages only allow Pit to fly for a limited amount of time after using a Feather. At the end of each stage, there is a Palace which contains a boss. The Palace's are a maze of rooms containing enemies, shops and springs to refill your health.
The game keeps track of the players score. The Players score is used to level-up the player at the completion of each level if the player obtained the minimum number of points.
Super Kid Icarus adds additional features that were not present in Kid Icarus. For example, all of the graphics in the game have been upgraded, parallax scrolling added, and the music upgraded as well to MP3s.
Several improvements have been made to the controls and feel of the game. For example, Pit will no longer get stuck half way in a block and the Reapers will not fall from the sky or get stuck in blocks. The game also does not feature any sprite flicker.
The story of Super Kid Icarus is similar to the story for Nintendo's Kid Icarus. The main protagonist Pit seeks to return light to Angel Land from Medusa. Medusa hated mankind and was jealous that Palutena lived in the Palace in the sky so one day she used the monsters of the Underworld to take over the Overworld and the Palace in the Sky. Paluntena called upon Pit to save the Kingdom of Angel Land through a telepathic message sent to him in his prison cell. Pit waited until the monsters let their guard down and then he made his escape with nothing more than a bow and arrow.
Enemy Guide
Super Kid Icarus features a Flash Enemy Guide which contains detailed information about the various enemies of Angel Land and features custom artwork. The user can click through the enemy guide to learn information about the enemies such as;
*What stages the enemies are found in
*How the enemies attack
*Possible weaknesses
*Does the enemy travel alone or in groups
For users who do not have Adobe Flash, a basic HTML version of the Enemy Guide was created. However, the basic HTML version does not feature any artwork and is primarily intended to be viewed on mobile devices.
Super Kid Icarus is a Flash game developed by Flip Industries. It was developed to learn Actionscript 3.0 programming for Adobe Flash. Super Kid Icarus was surprisingly developed entirely as a hobby.
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