Sunil Erevelles

Sunil Erevelles is an associate professor of marketing at the Belk College of Business at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA. Prior to that, he was on the faculty of marketing and the Marketing Area Coordinator at the Anderson School of Management, University of California, Riverside. He received his Ph.D. in business from Ohio State University. His areas of specialty are Marketing Strategy and Consumer Behavior.
He has consulted and delivered seminars to CEOs and senior managers, as well as to top government officials. He has delivered seminars and annual company retreats to executives at leading organizations with varied business interests, such as Boeing, Allstate Insurance, the Compass Group, Hyundai Motor Company and Lowes. Seminar topics includeCreating/Designing the Future, The Future of Business, Achieving Competitive Advantage, The Future of Technology, Competitive Advantage in Banking, Strategy and Leadership.
He has won teaching awards in 1991 (twice), 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2006. He has also received the Pew Teaching Leadership Award (a national award), the Gray’s Teaching Award and the American Marketing Associations' Teacher of the Year Award. For his research, he was awarded the James Comer Research Award, the Wachovia Research Award, the Childress-Klein Research Award (twice), the Steven J. Shaw Distinguished Research Award, an Outstanding Research Award for his work on "affect," from the Society of Marketing Advances, an Ohio State University Alumni Research Award, and the "Best Doctoral Dissertation Award." His research on "Affect in Marketing" won him an "award of excellence" from ANBAR, U.K., and he was inducted into the ANBAR "Hall of Excellence" in the U.K. His work on warranties was awarded the "Best Paper in Buyer Behavior" award by the Southern Marketing Association. The Ohio State University Alumni Association, the largest alumni association in the world, voted for him to receive the "The William Oxley Thompson Award" for exceptional early career achievement. He was also editor of a special issue of the Journal of Business Research. He was elected an Honorary Associate member of the Scientific Research Society and inducted into the "Alpha Mu Alpha" Marketing Honorary.
Refereed journal articles
# Erevelles, Sunil and Clark Leavitt (1992), "A Comparison of Current Models of Consumer Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction," Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, 5, 104-114.
# Erevelles, Sunil (1993), "The Price-Warranty Contract and Product Attitudes," Journal of Business Research, 27 (2), 171-181.
# H. Rao Unnava, Robert E. Burnkrant and Sunil Erevelles (1994), "Effects of Presentation Order and Communication Modality on Recall and Attitude," Journal of Consumer Research, 21 (December), 481-490.
# Erevelles, Sunil (1998), "The Role of Affect in Marketing," Journal of Business Research, 42 (3), 199-216.
# Erevelles, Sunil and Veronica Horton (1998), "Affect and the Inhibition of Competing Brands," Journal of Marketing Management, 8 (2), 103-114.
# Erevelles, Sunil, Veronica Horton, Erik Rolland and Christopher Huntley, (1999) "Incorporating Geographic Information Systems into Marketing Education," Journal of Database Marketing, 6 (4), 357-371.
# Erevelles, Sunil, Abhik Roy and Stephen L. Vargo (1999), "The Use of Price and Warranty Cues in Product Evaluation: A Comparison of US and Hong Kong Consumers," Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 11 (3), 67-91.
# Erevelles, Sunil, Veronica Horton, Glen Brodowsky and Jonnvee Caragan (2000), "Managing Questionnaire-Related Non-Response Bias," Journal of Marketing Management, 10 (1) 85-96.
# Erevelles, Sunil, Abhik Roy and Leslie S.C. Yip (2001), "The Universality of the Signal Theory for Products and Services," Journal of Business Research, 52 (4), 175-187.
# Erevelles, Sunil, Stephen L. Vargo and Veronica Horton (2001), "Supply-Side and Transvectional Segmentation," Marketing Management Journal, 11 (2), 24-40.
# Erevelles, Sunil, Fred Morgan, Rachel Nguyen and Ilkim Buke (2002), "Advertising Strategy in China: Cultural and Regulatory Factors," Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 15 (1) (forthcoming)
# Erevelles, Sunil, Shuba Srinivasan and Steven Rangel (2003), "Consumer Satisfaction of Internet Service Providers: A Process Based Approach," Journal of Information Technology and Management, 4 (2) (forthcoming)
# Erevelles, Sunil, Carolyn Galantine and Indranil Dutta (2002), "Salesforce Compensation Plans Incorporating Multidimensional Sales Effort and Salesperson Efficiency" Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 34 manuscript pages (forthcoming)
# Erevelles, Sunil (2002), "Brand Leadership" Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 30 (2), 175-177.
# Sunil Erevelles, Shuba Srinivasan and Steven Rangel "Consumer Satisfaction for Internet Service Providers: An Analysis of Underlying Processes" Information processing and Management Volume 4, Number 1, 69-89, (2003)
# Thomas Bernardin, Paul Kemp-Robertson, David W. Stewart. Yan Cheng, Heather Wan, John R. Rossiter, Sunil Erevelles, Robert Roundtree, George M. Zinkhan, Nobuyuki Fukawa "Envisioning the Future of Advertising Creativity Research: Alternative Perspectives" Journal of Advertising 37(4) / Winter 2008-9, Pages: 131 - 150 DOI: 10.2753/JOA0091-3367370411
# Sunil Erevelles1, and Thomas H. Stevenson "Enhancing the business-to-business supply chain: Insights from partitioning the supply-side" Industrial Marketing Management,Volume 35, Issue 4, May 2006, Pages 481-492
# S Erevelles, TH Stevenson, S Srinivasan… "An analysis of B2B ingredient co-branding relationships" Industrial Marketing Management Volume 37, Issue 8, November 2008, Pages 940-952
Refereed textbook chapters
# Erevelles, Sunil, Nanda K. Viswanathan and Chris Huntley (1998), "The Use of GIS in Marketing," Great Ideas for Teaching Marketing, 4th. Edition, Joseph F. Hair, Jr., Charles W. Lamb, Jr., and Carl McDaniel, eds., 128-130
# Erevelles, Sunil (2001), "Logos," Encyclopedia of Advertising, forthcoming, 9 manuscript pages (Forthcoming)
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