Steve R Heller

Stephen (Steve) R. Heller (Born in New York City in 1943) is a retired chemist who worked for a number of US Government agencies for over 3 decades.
Steve, in the first class to graduate from SUNY - Stony Brook, received his BS in Chemistry in 1963 and his PhD from Georgetown University in 1967.
He is currently a guest researcher at NIST working on the IUPAC InChI chemical identification and the NIH/EPA/NIST mass spectrometry projects. Among Steve's accomplishments are the NIH/EPA Chemical
Information System, the SciWords series of scientific spell checkers, the IUPAC International Chemical Identifier (InChI) and chairing the well known Plant & Animal Genome (PAG) conference, which he
initiated in 1992.
Steve, an IUPAC Fellow, is the recipient of the ACS Columbus and Dayton, Ohio Sections Patterson-Crane Award 2015, the CSA Trust Mike Lynch Award 2014 (with Alan McNaught, Igor Pletnev, Steve Stein and Dmitrii Tchekhovskoi) and is an ACS/CINF 2000 Herman Skolnik Awardee (with Bill Milne).
Steve has been and remains on the editorial and advisory boards of a number scientific journals and was the Software Review Editor for the ACS Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences
(JCICS); now the ACS Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling (JCIM), 1987 - 2016.
Steve is also a member of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), 1985 - present; the Society of Sigma Xi (Life Member) ; the American Chemical Society (ACS) (Emeritus) and
the American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS) (Emeritus).
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