Start page

A start page is the page first loaded when a web browser is started or a new window or tab page is opened in a browser. A start page is different from a home page: A home page is the initial or first page of a website. It is sometimes also written as "startpage."
Types of start pages
There are two main types of start pages: pages that are on the Internet and pages that are part of a web browser. Most major browsers (e.g. Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer) offer an integrated start page. By changing the settings of the browser, a start page on the Internet can be configured. Extensions to browsers exist that offer integrated start pages as well.
Multiple websites can be set as a start page, to open in different tab. Some websites are intended to be used as start pages, such as iGoogle (now defunct), , and , and provide links to commonly used services such as webmail and online weather forecasts.
Common elements
Most modern start pages offer their users the possibility to bookmark pages they like. In addition, some start pages keep a history of sites that were recently visited and display the most popular ones.
Apart from helping users store and retrieve bookmarks, a commonly seen feature of start pages is the support for custom widgets, gadgets or portlets. These elements can be used to add content to start pages. The most popular of such include widgets to embed news headlines through RSS, weather forecasts and notes.
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