Star Trek planet classification

The planet classification used in the Star Trek science fiction media franchise uses letters to refer to classes of planets and planetoids. Class M planets are presented as Earth-like planets, and are therefore among the most frequented in the series.
List of classes
; Class A, B, and C
: Typically small, young planets whose class depends on their age and the solidity of their cores. Examples include Gothos (Class A), Mercury (Class B), and Pluto (Class C).
;Class M
: Earth-like planet, the Class M designation is similar to the real-world astronomical theory of life-supporting planets within the habitable zone. The term is explained in-universe as deriving from the Vulcan term "Minshara". Class M planets are said to possess an atmosphere composed of nitrogen and oxygen as well as an abundance of liquid water necessary for carbon-based life to exist. Extensive plant and animal life often flourishes; often, a sentient race is also present. Under this fictional classification, Earth is a Class M world; other Class M planets that appear throughout the franchise include Vulcan, Cardassia Prime, Bajor, Betazed, Romulus, Ferenginar, , and .
; Class N
: Class N planets like Venus have a reducing environment and are barren and rocky with extremely high surface temperatures caused by thick atmospheres containing carbon dioxide and corrosive sulfides. In "Night Terrors", Class N environments were mentioned as the ideal places to use oxidizer-free explosives. The Tholians are said to have come from an N Class planet in the Star Trek: The Lost Era book The Sundered.
;Class X and Z
: Reserved for other designations of "demon" planets.<ref name="M"/>
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