President of Earth

President of Earth is a fictional concept or character who is the ruler of the planet earth. Examples include: President Thawne (grandfather of Bart Allen) the DC comic character who made his first appearance in Impulse #25, May 1997, A poem "The President of Earth" by Author in a book with the same title, An occupation in many Star Trek story lines including Star Trek VI - The Undiscovered Country and even a fictional character in a fictional universe in The Adventures of Captain Proton holoprogram on USS Voyager's holodeck

Notable actions in fiction
In the 31st century the position of President of the earth in Futurama is held by . In "the president of Earth must think the unthinkable..." In Babylon 5: In the Beginning the president of Earth orders all available ships to form a line around the planet in a vain attempt to stave off the final Minbari obliteration of the human race. This, the Battle of the Line, is the final battle of the war. Jacques Foccart The second Invisible Kid went on to serve as President of Earth in DC Comics.
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