List of planets in The Saga of Seven Suns

The following is a list of planets in The Saga of Seven Suns, a series of science fiction novels written by Kevin J. Anderson, and its sequel trilogy The Saga of Shadows.
In the series, humanity has colonized many worlds in the Spiral Arm, and is divided into three branches: the Earth-based Terran Hanseatic League (Hansa) and its subordinate planets, the independent world Theroc with its telepathic green priests, and the Roamers, interplanetary traders who prefer starships and hidden bases to a conventional planet-based civilization. The only other known intelligent species in the galaxy are the Ildirans, an ancient civilization at its peak, and the long-extinct Klikiss, whose planets remain empty but for their unusual ruins.
Terran Hanseatic League
In the future, the human race has colonized multiple planets in the Spiral Arm, most of which are governed by the powerful Terran Hanseatic League (Hansa).
Ildiran Empire
In the series, the Ildiran Empire has existed for over ten thousand years, living peacefully due to a communal mental interconnectedness called the thism. Each Ildiran has what is called a soulthread, and these soulthreads are woven together by their leader, the Mage-Imperator. Ildirans have a very specialized society, with specific castes that are adept at performing particular tasks. The castes are physically different from one another, and have different suffixes at the end of their names. Ildirans are the first extraterrestrials that humanity encounters upon exploring space beyond Earth, and the Ildirans share their stardrive technology with humans.
* Ildira - Capital of the Ildiran Empire, heavily populated primarily due to the Ildiran fear of isolation. Ildira is in a binary system, however its unusually close proximity to two other star systems, results in seven individual suns being clearly visible with a high degree of magnitude in the Ildiran sky; as a result, the planet experiences no night. The Mage-Imperator resides in the capital city of Majistra.
* Dobro - Ildiran world whose Designate is traditionally the second born noble son of the ruling Mage-Imperator. The planet is secretly the site of a clandestine breeding program sanctioned for centuries by a line of Mage-Imperators trying to create a telepath that can communicate with the hydrogues. A main component of this program is a group of captive humans from the generation ship Burton, once peaceful cohabitants on Dobro but ultimately enslaved. The human green priest Nira Khali is forced into the program by Mage-Imperator Cyroc'h but is ultimately freed after Prime Designate Jora'h rises to power.
* Hyrillka - Ildiran resort planet whose Designate is traditionally the third born noble son of the ruling Mage-Imperator. Hyrillka is located in the Horizon Cluster, and is notable as the center of production of the potent stimulant drug shiing. After nearly being killed in a hydrogue attack, the Hyrillka Designate Rusa'h, younger brother to Mage-Imperator Jora'h, awakens from a coma and is driven to overthrow Jora'h. Using the ability of shiing to dull the Ildiran's connection to the telepathic web of thism, Rusa'h converts Jora'h's heir Thor'h and a growing number of Ildirans to his cause. Rusa'h kills his own successor Pery'h and kills many Ildrians who resist him before he is defeated. Jora'h appoints his young son Ridek'h as Designate. Rusa'h is later resurrected as an avatar of the faeros, who are soon out of his control and devouring Ildiran souls. A faero-hydrogue battle nearly destroys Hyrillka's sun before the faeros are victorious.
* Colusa - Ildiran planet whose Designate is traditionally the fourth born noble son of the ruling Mage-Imperator.
* Scotia - Ildiran planet whose Designate is traditionally the fifth born noble son of the ruling Mage-Imperator.
* Alturas - Ildiran planet whose Designate is traditionally the sixth born noble son of the ruling Mage-Imperator. Alturas is the third planet to be targeted by Rusa'h for induction into his alternate thism.
* Galt - Ildiran planet whose Designate is traditionally the seventh born noble son of the ruling Mage-Imperator.
* Kamin - Ildiran planet whose Designate is traditionally the eighth born noble son of the ruling Mage-Imperator.
* Shonor - Ildiran planet whose Designate is traditionally the ninth born noble son of the ruling Mage-Imperator. Shonor is the fourth world targeted by Rusa'h after Alturas.
* Heald - Ildiran planet whose Designate is traditionally the tenth born noble son of the ruling Mage-Imperator.
* Vondor Qe - Ildiran planet whose Designate is traditionally the eleventh born noble son of the ruling Mage-Imperator.
* Hrel-oro - Ildiran planet whose Designate is traditionally the twelfth born noble son of the ruling Mage-Imperator. Hrel-oro is a dry and warm planet with very little vegetation, though it is rich in minerals and is mined by the Ildirans for desirable metals. Due to the arid climate, it is populated mainly by members of the Scaly kith. Power is supplied to Ildiran settlements by solar power stations and wind turbines.
* Dzelluria - Ildiran planet whose Designate is traditionally the thirteenth born noble son of the ruling Mage-Imperator. Rusa'h' travels to Dzelluria with his captured warliners to absorb the planet's population into his thism network. The Dzelluria Designate refuses to cooperate with Rusa'h, who kills the Designate, takes the planet by force and coerces the Designate-in-waiting to join him.
* Maratha - Ildiran resort world; its Maratha Prime complex is bathed in constant sunlight for half the year. A second complex, Maratha Secda, is being constructed by commissioned Klikiss robots on the other side of the planet so that the visiting population can utilize the resort world year-round. When the Klikiss robot master plan commences, they awaken a hibernating hive of robots buried deep below the surface and destroy both complexes to build ships and weapons. They are later wiped out by the Ildiran Solar Navy and the return of the original Klikiss race.
* Comptor - Forested Ildiran planet; the Saga of the Seven Suns celebrates one of is former Designates, the favorite of the then Mage-Imperator, who had died there in a forest fire.
* Garoa - Ildiran planet in the Horizon Cluster that is captured by Rusa'h's thism network.
* Orryx - Former Ildiran colony world that is virtually forgotten after its fall. Orryx had been, according to Ildiran apocrypha, the first Ildiran world to be vanquished by the Shana Rei, who had covered the entire world and the septa of warliners that was sent to defend it in a blanket of darkness, killing the Ildirans.
* Qronha 3 - Gas giant orbiting in the Qronha binary system, close to Ildira. Before the novels, it had been home to the last skymine still in Ildiran hands. Adar Kori'nh tries twice to clear Qronha 3 of hydrogues, and only succeeds the second time by sacrificing his life. Later, both the Hansa and the Ildirans set up new skymines on the gas giant, but soon the hydrogues reawaken and the skyminers flee. Qronha 3 is also where the hydrogues keep many of their human prisoners, including EDF pilot Robb Brindle. Eventually, Jess Tamblyn flies his wental ship straight into the hydrogue city and destroys it with wental power, also rescuing the prisoners, who by then include his own sister Tasia Tamblyn.
* Kuivahr - Introduced in The Dark Between the Stars (2014), Kuivar is an oceanic world. Ildirans of the Swimmer kith live in the sea around the research complex of Tamo'l, one of Nira's half human/half Ildiran daughters. Tamo'l studies and cares for the less successful mixed breeds from the defunct Dobro breeding program. Kuivahr is also the site of the distillery run by Roamer Del Kellum, the former Speaker of the Roamers.<ref name="Dark Between"/>
As the series begins, the Klikiss race is thought to be extinct, and their abandoned worlds are xenoarchaeological curiosities. After Klikiss transportal technology is discovered on Rheindic Co, many more Klikiss planets are discovered and colonized by humans.
* Llaro - Ancient capital of the Klikiss race and the first Kilikiss world to be discovered by humans. Tasia Tamblyn says of it on arrival, "It's not exactly the garden spot of the galaxy ... but at least it isn't a hellhole." After the Roamer population are declared outlaws by the Hansa, the EDF detains Roamer prisoners of war on Llaro. The Klikiss race returns and seizes control of Llaro, killing the EDF overseers and preparing the Roamer colony for assimilation.
* Corribus - Klikiss world where it is believed that the Klikiss race had been finally exterminated by an unknown foe. Xenoarchaeologists Louis and Margaret Colicos discover the Klikiss torch on Corribus. Human colonists arrive on Corribus through the newly discovered Klikiss transportal, but their settlement is soon destroyed by Klikiss robots in stolen EDF warships. Hud Steinmann and Orli Covitz are the only survivors of the attack and eventually escape the planet.
* Cjeldre - Former Klikiss world resettled by humans which has a very long, cold winter season. It is recaptured by the Klikiss, but Adar Zan'nh rescues the stranded human settlers.
* Happiness - Neo-Amish world to which Prince Daniel is exiled by King Peter.
* Hifur - Abandoned Klikiss world retaken by the Klikiss before being destroyed by Klikiss robots.
* Rajapar - Klikiss world regained by an independent Klikiss breedex.
* Rheindic Co - Louis and Margaret Colicos and their compy DD discover a hidden Klikiss city on Rheindic Co, in which they discover an intact Klikiss transportal. The seemingly-docile Klikiss robots in their party turn on them, killing Louis and abducting DD while Margaret escapes through the transportal. Hansa Chairman Basil Wenceslas later sends Davlin Lotze and Rlinda Kett to Rheindic Co to find the missing xenoarchaeologists,
* Pym - Desiccated world once inhabited by the Klikiss, it has huge salt lakes and mineral deposits. EDF General Kurt Lanyan leads an expedition to Pym to rescue its human inhabitants from the returned Klikiss, and is later killed when he returns to eradicate the Klikiss.
* Scholld - Klikiss world whose returned Klikiss warriors destroy a small part of the Klikiss robot fleet.
* Szurael or Szeol - Klikiss world first explored by Davlin Lotze but deemed unfit for human habitation due to its large predators and acrid air. It is later used by the Klikiss robots as a base of operations for their war against humanity.
* Wollamor - Former Klikiss world colonized by humans using the Klikiss transportal. The Klikiss robots arrive and destroy the settlement, but are in turn destroyed themselves when the Klikiss breedex from Llaro invades. The Klikiss robot Sirix and his soldier compies next bombard the planet and destroy the Klikiss.
* Xalezar - Abandoned Klikiss world settled by humans in the colonization initiative.
* Zed Khell - Abandoned Klikiss world not settled in the colonization initiative and quickly retaken by the Klikiss.
* Eljiid - Introduced in The Dark Between the Stars (2014), Eljiid is the abandoned Klikiss world that Margaret Colicos retires to after the events of The Ashes of Worlds (2008). She studies the ruins there until her eventual death by natural causes, and is buried there. In The Dark Between the Stars, Princess Arita of Theroc travels there to study the local botany, in particular a possibly sentient variety of cacti called Whistlers. Tom Rom also comes to Eljiid to retrieve "royal jelly" glands from mummified Klikiss bodies left on the planet. Later, the Shana Rei ally with the remaining Klikiss robots and destroy the colony on Eljiid, killing its inhabitants.<ref name="Dark Between"/>
* Charybdis - Primordial ocean world where Jess Tamblyn first disseminates the wentals. He is then infused with wental energy as a life-saving measure after the hydrogues destroy his ship over the planet. The wentals build him a starship from ocean materials. Later, Cesca Peroni is also infused with wental energy on Charybdis after being mortally wounded on Jonah 12.
* Dularix - Uninhabited forested world that is attacked by the hydrogues in their search for the remnants of the verdani.
* Eldora - Colony world to which Branson Roberts travels in The Ashes of Worlds (2008).
* Iawa - Long before the events of the series, the Ildirans had transported the human colonists from the generation ship Kanaka here. However, after becoming accustomed to a different way of life on board the Kanaka and their crops suffering from a blight, the colonists had left Iawa to reunite with the community that had settled at Rendezvous.
* Okiah - Floating city in space introduced in The Dark Between the Stars (2014), built and once inhabited by the alien Onthos race. In the form of five spokes of varying lengths radiating out from a central hub, the city is discovered and newly colonized by the Roamer Clan Reeves. They name it Okiah after Jhy Okiah, famed former Speaker of the Roamers. The Roamers and their green priest Shelud soon discover that the city's previous occupants, the Onthos, had died from a plague centuries or even millennia before, and soon the human colony is overcome and extinguished themselves.<ref name="Dark Between"/>
* Pergamus - Introduced in The Dark Between the Stars (2014), Pergamus is a research planetoid wholly owned by the wealthy Zoe Alakis. Heavily defended, Zoe's facility is a series of independent stations which study diseases and find cures, but all for her own collection rather than helping mankind.<ref name="Dark Between"/>
* Vaconda - Jungle planet on which Zoe Alakis' parents, Adam and Evelyn, had spent years studying the local botany and resources for useful and valuable extracts prior to the events of The Dark Between the Stars (2014). Evelyn dies after a vehicle accident when Zoe is a child, and Adam later perishes after contracting the then-incurable Heidegger's Syndrome. Destroying the Alakis laboratory station in preparation for leaving the planet for good, Zoe and her minion Tom Rom discover a vein of precious prisdiamonds, which makes her fabulously wealthy.<ref name="Dark Between"/>
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