Open Carbon World

Open Carbon World is the first full-service carbon planning Web site dedicated to the promotion of market-based solutions to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions. The site is an open access community to help companies establish clear policies towards reducing carbon emissions. Open Carbon World provides a convenient, single resource for carbon information and policy discussions. It offers up-to-date, accurate information on emissions trading and carbon markets and serves as a forum for members of the carbon community interested in driving market-based emissions reduction policy.
Like , Open Carbon World is predicated on the idea of open access, enabling anyone to submit content and events to the Web site. An editorial board drawn from key industry participants oversees the veracity and quality of all information contributed to the portal.
Open Carbon World includes several components designed to provide clarity, advocacy, and collaboration, and to accelerate the growth of markets for carbon emissions trading.
Features of the website include:
* Carbon Planning Tool (CPT): A professional carbon management and reporting suite that allows corporations and individuals to calculate their carbon footprint and create and execute a plan for carbon reduction. The first protocol to be made available will be the GHG Protocol, developed by the World Resources Institute. The core functionality of CPT is targeted for release to the open source community in early 2009.
* Carbon Wiki: A wiki dedicated to providing comprehensive up-to-date industry information, vetted and overseen by an editorial board made up of industry experts.
* Carbon Library: A resource for contributed studies and whitepapers from recognized industry leaders.
* Carbon Policy Page: Highlights of current policy news and market information.
* Carbon Community Workgroups: Public workgroups for market participants to work together to develop new ideas and documents towards public advocacy.
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