Spiral didgeridoo

The spiral didgeridoo is a spiral shaped modern wooden musical instrument. Also known variously as a round didgeridoo, compact spiral didgeridoo, spiral didge, spiralidoo or didgehorn. It is a non-traditional compact version of the didgeridoo, and as such is considered to be a type of travel didgeridoo. However, its' spiral shape makes it distinctive from the traditional didgeridoo, and more like a horn.
The spiral didgeridoo is a non-traditional didgeridoo because it is not made by Indigenous Australians in a traditional style and does not use Eucalyptus branches hollowed out by termites. The spiral shape is an innovation on the normally straight cylinder of the didgeridoo.
General characteristics
The spiral didgeridoo is played in the same way as the traditional didgeridoo, and has similar drone sound characteristics and can be played using circular breathing. A distinction from the traditional didgeridoo is that the spiral shape creates back pressure.
The instrument comes in various musical keys, including C, C#, D, E, and F.
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