
Versistasis is a force postulated by author Jason Jowett in his debut novel of the same name, ISBN 978-1616672744. Published by Raider International NYC, the novel expounds a theory of everything, deposing the objectivity/subjectivity typical in traditional logical equations of reality, by a post-modern rhetoric. Versistasis defines the forces typical in creation as being fractal concurrent powers, such as those typical of the planetary bodies in a astrological interpretation and of the human qualities inherent to them and the material universe. The idea of unsensable factors to reality has been common place since early Greek time, and the concept of the logos, which originally supported a unified power, separate to the Gods. More recently and in lecture in 2005 to the Society for Neuroscience in Washington, the Dalai Lama describe the "fundamental substratum of reality", a belief of which Buddhism shares in common with modern science, apparently contrary to traditional Christian, Jewish and Muslim traditions.
Versistasis is a pan-ultimate definition of reality. Contrary to the Universe, 'Verse'- a rhyme and 'Stasis'- still, or unmoving, is more concurrent to Aristotelian theory, and can be likened to his unmoving mover. As the definition of the ultimate reality, naturally, it is necessary to assume versistasis is a complimentary force to Gravity. Versistasis by definition implies there is a template of reality which is everywhere and connected to everything, but is not moving, or subjected to gravity. The template hence contains a ordered structure which is distinct from matter itself, and its relation to time is implicit likewise, as the ultimate mental construct, conceived as a force which has no physical form, but is everywhere in everything. It's more specific to refer to time in its composition, as a type of force, than to accept it implicitly, such as is involved with the definition of the Universe.
Versistasis as a type of time involves the abstract human perception of time, paradoxically. Since that is typically linear, the contrary spiral, or circular time, would be including the linear type of time, similarly as figuratively, a spiral can contain a straight line, but not the other way around. By this, imperative reasoning, couldn't define a accurate spiral type of time, as inclusive, perhaps, similarly as a micro-organism couldn't know it was being observed, visually, since the ability for joint-awareness, is limited from both parties. Thus in rationality, which is based on definitions of forms, if context is agreed upon, by the necessity for linear conditions, when absent, Spiral Time leaves the problem of an existence dependent upon a scientific mentality, and a phenomenological response to reality, where closure is demanded. The condition of Spiral Time is clearly, as analogous, male, by the fortitude of the X and Y chromosome, and the composition of a Male Genome, Linear time must be effeminate.
In the book, a complex storyline based upon a type of 'possession' is divulged, when a technical means for collectivization is invented. "By integrity of their wills the same fractal actions would be manifested in all their bodies lives and this versistasis was deliberated over by their better judgments." The experience of versistasis is rendered as a 'order' system for the mind over mind-body.
Versistasis as describable as a effect of time, relates to the advent of knowledge and accession of presence, by which reality is interpreted originally. Having the luxury of perspective, is ultimately a linear condition.
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