South Asia Terrorism Portal

The South Asia Terrorism Portal website states that it is dedicated to disseminating information about terrorism and low-intensity conflict in South Asia.
It was created in 2000, and is maintained, by the Institute for Conflict Management in New Delhi, India.
Sites that link to
The The New York Times included its "India Datasheets" page in a list of resources from around the web about terrorism in India.
The Defence Academy of the United Kingdom linked to this website as a resource about information on terrorism in South Asia. Council on Foreign Relations used as a source of information on its article on Lashkar-e-Taiba.
Institute for Conflict Management
The Institute for Conflict Management was established in New Delhi in 1997.
The Institute states that it is a "registered non-profit, non-governmental organisation" and that its goal is "the continuous evaluation and resolution of problems of internal security in South Asia."
The President of Institute of Conflict management is Kanwar Pal Singh Gill.
Executive Director
The Executive Director of Institute of Conflict Management is Ajai Sahni.
In 2006 he submitted written evidence to the UK House of Commons, Select Committee on Foreign Affairs regarding Islamic terrorism in South Asia which was accepted and is available on House of Commons website.
Jason Overdorf, writing for Newsweek, described Dr. Sahni as "a local counterterrorism expert" and interviewed him after 2008 Mumbai attacks. Emily Wax and Rama Lakshmi, writing for The Washington Post, also described Dr. Sahni as "a counterterrorism expert" in another article on the 2008 Mumbai attacks
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