SMH Books

SMH Books is a bookseller and book publisher, based in Arundel, West Sussex, England. The firm was established by Sandra Saer in 1987 and run by her until 2018. It also provides international publishing and press release services.
SMH Books specialises in memoirs, prose and poetry anthologies, and regional books. The company also publishes nature-related books. It has published books by Andrew Lack and Patrick Moore.
*An Exaltation of Skylarks in Prose and Poetry (1995) by Stewart Beer. With a preface by Richard Mabey. A 2,300-year anthology of skylark prose and poetry.
*The Giant and the Mouse (2003) by Sandra Saer and with illustrations by Martin Hargreaves
*Redbreast: The Robin in Life and Literature (2007) by Andrew Lack, a literary collection based on the robin
*Within the Glade: A Collection of Poems Written to Amuse Children (of All Ages) (2011) by Patrick Moore and with illustrations by Euan Dunn
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