Slender: Space

Slenderspace, also known as Slender Space, is a video game inspired by the 2012 video game Slender: The Eight Pages and the 2008 video game Dead Space. It was created by animator Rick Murray. Slenderspace is a third-person shooter survival horror video game.
The game is centered around a player that finds themselves inside a space ship's prison cell. After a shuttle hits the ship the user must collect six "powernodes" while running from a creature known as the Slendermorph. The Slendermorph attempts to chase the player, and stop them from beating the game.
Completion of the game is done by finding all six powernodes and leaving through an exit on a certain part of the map.
The Slendermorph
The Slendermorph is a creature attempting to kill the player. It often teleports to areas relatively close to the player and will teleport more often as time progresses and as the player collects more powernodes.
If the player encounters the Slendermorph, they are given a few seconds of time to run from it, before it runs at and kills the player. The player can hide from the Slendermorph, and when they do, it teleports away.
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